Paulie's Place - Increasingly Inevitable
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
  Counting down the hours..
Yeah yeah so that counter on the right is wrong. It's actually one day too soon, but that doesn't change the fact that in 48 hours(!) I'll be kissing my girlfriend at the airport. It's been five months that we last did that. Five months that we thought were going to go by slowly, but they didn't. Things went extremely fast for us, and I still can't believe it's really going to happen! I'm really fucking excited, having a hard time sitting still. Well, what you do if you've been separated from the most amazing person in the world for that long? I remember when we used to miss eachother when we were separated for a couple of hours..god I love her so much!

I actually live close to the major airport here. I can hear airplanes coming over constantly. It's funny that I've never been on one, but then again I've never been out of Europe either. Now if you'll excuse me..I have some wall bouncing to do!
Saturday, June 25, 2005

Addictive and kinda frustrating..
Friday, June 24, 2005
  Mommy didn't brush her teeth

Plus she forgot to use moisturizer..

And she stole my grandma's wig.
  Dress-Down Friday
Yeah yeah, it's dress down friday! what now? This means I'm posting funny/vulgar/stupid/sick/twisted/unusual stuff found on the internet. So how's this any different from usual? Well it's not, bitches! Except that it's friday..unless there's already been a friday when I posted stuff like this...then it's not any different at all! Yeah, now why don't you slam your teeth onto a glass? it's fun for the whole stinkin' family!
Saturday, June 18, 2005
  We do delivery. We don't!
Listen to what happens when you call a Chinese restaurant, place an order, put them on hold and connect them through to another take away restaurant.
Friday, June 17, 2005
  Peehole Jackson

Meet my girlfriend's dog Andy aka Drew, Rooney, Roxanne, Randy, Roomy, Panda, Pandamonium, Tabitha, Uncle Andy, Dre, Andre the Giant, Jesus, Peehole Jackson, etc, etc....etc.

Yes, he has like a million nicknames, don't ask me why. Isn't he adorable though?
Monday, June 13, 2005
Have you seen my girlfriend's new layout? It's awesome! Of course it has to be since *I* did it (uhm).

Other things to clickadiclick on...interested in getting paid to use your favourite search engine? Check these sites out:

get paid to search (1)

get paid to search some more (2)

get paid to puke (ok not really, but it's mildly amusing)
Sunday, June 12, 2005
  It's sunday
So it's about time for a high quality update. No pubic hair, no poop, no making fun of Jesus, the pope (neither the dead one nor the almost dead one), or Michael Jackson...nope nun a' dad! Just a dancing policeman. Hey at least he's enjoying his job!
Monday, June 06, 2005
  There's a pubic hair in my milk
Yeah, you probably expect a point here, but there isn't. I just thought it's hilarious to say there's a pubic hair in my milk.

There's a pubic hair in my milk!
Sunday, June 05, 2005
  Where does that leave me?!
Just when you thought you had seen it all, right at that moment, that exact instant, you find a clinically depressed 404 page. Sometimes I wish I had as much time on my hands as some of you crazy fuckers!
  Yeah I'm sure this is going to work
Natalie Portman is sure going to be impressed by this guy.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
  Jesus Titty Fucking!
This is the storm I got caught in yesterday, approaching over sea..

I was wet.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
  I love Her!
Girl, that still feels so great to say! ;)

It's me and my sweetie's 7th month anniversary and it's somewhat of a tradition to let the anonymous weblog public and everyone else know how much I love her. Mostly because
we couldn't always do that..she means everything to me, I let her know that as much as I can. And just every once in a while I want the rest of the world to know as well she's the most amazing person I've ever met.

People have said we won't make it. That it's too hard, it's still too new, making it sound like it's just some fling. Basicly: people with opinions that shouldn't have them. Those people should feel what she does to me when she smiles, when she says I love you, when she kisses me. ...god when she kisses me =D....Then. Only then they can judge.

We've been through a lot together already and we have so much more adventures to expierence.
I'll be flying over to her this month and spend the summer. I've been looking forward to that since that february friday she had to leave me. Now the day's come really close (see the counter) and I can't fucking wait! :)

I love you baby girl! I'm completely CRAZY about you! And it won't be long until I'll be able to hold you, kiss you, and give you lots of foot massages ;) Happy anniversary sweetie!

Location: United States

"Atheism is more than just the knowledge that Gods does not exist, and that religion is either a mistake or a fraud. Atheism is an attitude, a frame of mind that looks at the world objectively, fearlessly, always trying to understand all things as a part of nature" - Carl Sagan

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