Paulie's Place - Increasingly Inevitable
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
  Grandpa's having fun with his depends
Monday, January 22, 2007
  In your face!
I have never seen such a thing before. A sudden wind blows away the advertisement boarding on the sides of this football pitch and knocks out 2 players.

Monday, January 15, 2007
  "Guy" drinks a bottle of Vodka in 30 seconds
This made me have a hangover just looking at it. It's disgusting, so it's the perfect item for my 100th post. Whoohoo! And cheers..

Friday, January 12, 2007
  Yet another Saddam movie

I'm afraid I'm going to get tired of this *real* soon because you know this is not the end of it. They are going to run this shit into the ground. But hey, while it's still funny huh?
Thursday, January 11, 2007
  Wal-Mart is scary
I don't know what it is. Every single time I go into a Wal-Mart, regardless of geographical location or time of day, there is a whole bunch of scary ass people in there. I thought maybe Wal-Mart has a secret dress code that says to only wear clothes that look like they've been worn since 1987. Or perhaps there's a secret meeting place for serial killers and child molesters in the back of every store. Either way: there's some freaky-ass fucks walking around in there.

They always seem to be in big groups, crowding around that one item that I dare to pick up at Wal-Mart. It's not shopping anymore, it's almost like a social activity for some of these folks. They're palling around and laughing and it seems like they're having the time of their life's. Of course this is just a guess, since I don't speak retard nor pig talk. I always want to get out as soon as I can. Leaving a Wal-Mart for me feels like being send home after being in the middle of a bloody war for 5 years.

Why go back you ask? Because I need shit, and I need shit cheap.

Movie tip: Idiocracy
Monday, January 08, 2007
  Crazy Assss Roller Coaster

Original page found on Digg.
Friday, January 05, 2007
  Lack of updates / best 1000 movies ever / Hunter
Yes, I know there's a serious lack of updates on this blog. Even more than usual I guess, and I didn't even think that was possible! So to keep you from seeing the same Sadam bullshit which I'm sure you're sick off, here's a list of the 1,000 best movies ever made..according to the NY Times that is.

And here is a photograph of Hunter our house cat, or as we like to refer to him since we had his balls cut off: "The Evil One". It doesn't show in this picture, but trust me, he is.


Location: United States

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