Chicken soup
Alright that'll do. Since you're probably almost done laughing about the kid hitting his face on the concrete I decided it's ABUT time for another update.
Today I want to talk to you about stupidity. According to the grand
Wikipedia stupidity is defined as follows:
(..) the quality or condition of being stupid, or lacking intelligence. This quality can be attributed to both an individual himself (e.g. John is stupid.) or his actions, words or beliefs (e.g., John's policies are stupid.). The term can thus also refer to poor use of judgment, or insensitivity to nuances in a person who is otherwise intelligent. The determination of who is stupid is relatively difficult, despite attempts to measure intelligence (and thus stupidity) such as IQ tests.
Because claiming something to be stupid is indeed a subjective process, I will give you some examples of stupidity that
I've seen lately.
- People yelling and kicking at a train for taking off without them in it. Newsflash: if you want to ride the train at 6:12, being there at 6:11 would be a grand start.
- Flag burning folks of a certain religion, that claim to hate the west and everything it stands for, yet that are the first to cry for the help of the Red Cross when something goes wrong. It don't go down like that B. Insensitive to nuances? Hardly.
- Ignoring the fact that a server scrubbing toilets and right after that making salads for customers to munch on is a health code violation. Gives a whole new flava' to the word "Salad" doesn't it?
- Little piggies that are under the impression that they can talk shit behind my back without me knowing about it.
- "Managers" that seem to agree that yelling at your employees helps them be more productive. Last time someone tried to pull that off..well, it didn't really work out.
- "Managers" that call themselves "managers" even though they do neither have a "College Degree" nor even read a book about the very basics of management.
- Pooping out babies when you can't even handle one (are you reading Spears? ARE YOU!?)
- Saying condoms don't prevent AIDS. This is coming from the same people that believe the earth is only 6000 years old and there once was a guy with a beard building himself a boat with which he saved all the animals in the world. Hahaha! classic! Considering there's about 5500 species of mammals in the world. That's not even counting the aprox. 10.000 bird species..alright alright, I think I've made my point. Religion is the equivalent of stupidity.
I think I'll go have some chicken soup now.
Congratulate my girlfriend's weblog!
NOW!And now you will laugh at this hilarical (not-even-a-word) animated gif:
HAHA! The kid jumped and the pool wasn't even there yet. Serves you right for being born with terrible eyesight, kid!
I realize I rudely deeplinked from
this blog, but blogger won't let me host this wonderful bit of entertainment. My apologies beforehand. I also realize apparently has been around for ages but remember what your momma told you: seeing little kids get hurt never gets old!