Paulie's Place - Increasingly Inevitable
Sunday, April 16, 2006
  Because I promised Steffy

And I'm not gonna say anything about jebus either ;).
  Bible stickers

More like these..
Thursday, April 13, 2006
  Merry crucifixion and a happy resurrection
Almost easter, isn't it a joyful time? It's the time we are all thankful at the messiah for getting himself in trouble with those Italians. Last I heard, those bastards stapled him against some cross because these other people told the Italians he was a meany. And then he died but he was like: listen up yo! I ain't dying for nothin', I'm dying so y'all niggas can get some poontang without no being worried for what santa is gonna think of it, I be back in like couple a days. And then some of them said wow, that's cool of you man, let's all start obeying his crotch and carry it around all the time and shoving it in other people's faces. Of course a bunch of them where just hatin' and said: man, fuck you! that hairy nigga is full of shit. In turn that pissed those other people off and they started slaying bitches for not recognizin' and now they are the largest group of organized gansta motherfuckers in the world.

And all this happened like 200 years ago in like, Iran or something. I still don't know what the fuck chocolate eggs have to do with all this shit.

What I do know you is that you should get yourself educated like myself and watch this.
Friday, April 07, 2006
  Hey, that's exactly what I was wondering

More stuff like this here.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
  I have a blog
Oh yeah! Completely forgot. Tssk, I should just keep reminding myself every morning when I wake up, maybe that will get me to update it at least once in a while. Or maybe not since I do not really give a rats ass in the first place. Well, now that I'm here anyway I might as well dump the first link I ran into:

Computers and the internet according to 'normal' users

Note how it says normal, in between quotes. It means they're not really normal, funny stuff.

Yeah I know it's not, I was being sarcastic. You're just going to have to deal with it!

Location: United States

"Atheism is more than just the knowledge that Gods does not exist, and that religion is either a mistake or a fraud. Atheism is an attitude, a frame of mind that looks at the world objectively, fearlessly, always trying to understand all things as a part of nature" - Carl Sagan

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