Paulie's Place - Increasingly Inevitable
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
  Five to nothing
I've been doing a little polling myself around the block here in southern Ohio. 

Sept 23rd. 
McCain / Palin signs: 5
Obama / Biden signs: 0

Come on man, I know that this is a rural area and I have no hopes this miserable county will go with Obama, but zero signs? Statistically there should be 2. "Where's YOUR sign", you ask? Well I don't have a yard, so that doesn't help. Can't vote, can't put up a yard sign, and I can't convince anyone because that would involve people here to magically obtain the ability to reason. The only thing I can do is watch from the sideline and see the number of yard signs grow. 

Primal instinct tells me to rip all these signs out of their yards, ritually burn them, and scream "I just did, Bitches!". But that's just because I don't have any reasonable way of explaining why people would still vote for an administration that raped them up the ass for eight years (and put up a sign to thank them for it). Seriously, what is wrong with republicans? Are they sadists? Maybe they are manufacturing an artificial Apocalypse to get to afterlife a little faster? I guess the latter would make the most sense to me. You know, since a large part of the GOP base consists of people who believe the collection of anecdotes and hearsay nonsense they call "The Holy Book" is actually, literally, the word of God. No wonder these people are immune to liberal concepts such as "reason" and "reality". 

It's intensely frustrating to see this country go to waste. And I'm just a European, I shouldn't even care as much as I do. So I can't, for the life of me, imagine why there isn't more outrage at the current administration and the Republican party in general. Yes, a 30% approval rating for the president, an all time low. But still, that means 1 in 3 people who think it's all fine and dandy. When you look at the facts, and all the evidence is laid out, you just have to look at it, we should see anger of revolutionary proportions. 

Instead, roughly 1 in 2 Americans are convinced that Father Time and Tina Fay are going to bring the change they deserve. Well people, it won't bring change, but McCain voters will surely get what they deserve. And then in 2012, when the US has officially become a second world country under the Palin administration, they will try their upmost to create an alternative reality in which they can blame "them leberals" again...and then...put up their goddamn yard signs! 
Well...roughly 1 in 2 Americans are so fervently holding on to their allegiance to the Good Book, that nothing else matters. It's that mentality of a "good Christian;" you know, we are put here on this earth to suffer and so we must in order to get our reward in heaven. To me, as drastic as this may sound, people who fully believe that are absolutely worthless in their lives. They basically end up "on hold" and will take anything in the name of God and Heaven. An absolutely useless life mission.

I honestly don't know how you can stand this. Especially having come from a country which is the exact opposite in thinking and mentality, of what's happening here. I continue to be baffled and hope you guys get out soon.

P.S. There is strong talk that this state is turning Blue this election. I'll believe that NOv. 2nd. The only consolation is that this county votes Blue. At least on a local level, I am happy.
The grass is bluer on the other side of the fence.

I may not be able to erect a yard sign, but my bumper sticker and tshirts are on their way any day now.

I'll risk a brick smashing my windshield to support Obama. I'll welcome dirty looks at the grocery store and gas station when I sport my shirt.

Because you know, around here folks don't take kindly to them there Obama s'pporters.
Yea, they don't dig Muslims running for prez.
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You're absolutely right swine. I don't think it's drastic to say that people who waste their lives away by not allowing themselves to think openly and critically are worthless in their lives. That's exactly what they are.

There is no excuse to waste your brain away, we are not in the dark ages. In this country, if you want to be informed, you can be.

I can stand living here because I know there is plenty of Americans who still remember what this country once stood for. You just don't see them very often around here, which is one of many reasons why we are looking forward to moving to a more progressive area.

We wouldn't even have to second guess if it is a good idea to put up an Obama bumper sticker on our new car. (Sad)
Sort of related, but here's how you DO get out of a financial juggernaut, Scandinavian-style.

Why won't this fly here? Because too many people don't want "gob'ment" in their lives. Sad.
That sounds like a very reasonable approach. I wonder why they don't try that here, it may put more people behind the plan if tax payers (feel like they) get something in return. Even though it goes against the principle of low government influence, but that principle is out the window anyway.
Here's the secret: Americans like big government, they just don't want to pay for it.
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